Intoduction :

The book I’m going to present to you is called « Two kinds of dying » by the auther Graham Hurley.

The book was published in 2012 and was adapted by France 2 for the 2012 series: »deux flics sur les docks ». It’s a historical fiction and has aproximatly 80 pages.

The plot :

It’s 1940 and the British soldiers find themselves going to war in northern France to stop the German army’s blitzkrieg. They have virtually no traning whatsoever and are strongly ill-equipped. But soon they are taken prisoner and are forced to walk across the contry to the German war camps. But this only the start of their story…

The characters :

-« Dad », Joey

– Teazle, taz or John Parsons

-« Me »

I chose this book because the subject of the book interests me.
